What is Positive Reinforcement Training?

So aren't we just using cookies and things to bribe our dogs?

Not at all. Here is the first time that I am going to challenge your mindset and encourage you to look at things from a different persepective.

Mindset Shift Challenge #1: Using rewards (and there are many differnt types of rewards that we will address at a later time) is how we PAY dogs for doing a job. The reason you go to work is to collect a paycheck right? Would you go to your job if you were't being paid? (maybe-but that's not the point). It's a bartering and trade system. You do something I like, then I will do something you like. It's a win-win for everyone! Eventually, you can start to fade out the food rewards if you wish. But remember this, the environment isn't stingy or lacking with interesting and valueable things, so why should we be?

You can't just use love to train. That's stupid.

Well, we aren't just using love. But love does go a long way! Yes, there are guidelines and rules and consequences (and we absolutely do have to teach this to our dogs), but we can do it without using force, fear, or intimidation. Others may use these tools and methods, but I decided early on as a kid that that felt icky to me, so I don't use or encourage them.

Mindset shift challenge #2: ALWAYS BE YOUR DOGS SAFE SPOT!

If you are safey, they can trust you, and your arms always equal love and fairness, they will feel comfortable to seek out safety from you and ask clarifying questions. Your dog should be running to you and choosing you because they WANT to. Not because they HAVE to or are afraid or worried about what might or could happen if they don't.

No dog should ever be placed in the position where they are afraid of the people who love and care for them because of those same people's actions.

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